Watch the lesson videos repeatedly and you will find that this will help you improve your ESL English conversation.
English Conversation 01
English Conversation 01
English Conversation 02
English Conversation 03
English Conversation 04
English Conversation 05
The following is a list of websites that are useful for English as a Second Language (ESL) students. The Internet offers not only written text, but audio sounds and full-motion videos that can be easily heard and seen.
Popular Visits - Last 7 Days
New series of lessons for BEGINNERS "Learn English with Jennifer and her friend, Natasha". This series will have no subtitles on...
Vocabulary lessons for intermediate and advanced learners of English. The focus is mainly on idioms (common expressions). Lesson 1 - "...
Hello, this is the lesson 3 "Greetings Throughout the Day" from Jennifer.
What if words fail or simply miss their mark? The following video provides an example of a communication FAIL: German Coast Guard Trainee
How to Pronounce 'Schedule' -- American English How to Pronounce 'Schedule' -- American English How to Pronounce FAMILY -...
10 Very Short Conversations. Set One. Easy English Conversation Practice. 10 Very Short Conversations. Set One. Easy English Conversation...
English Lessons with Dave Sconda teaching pronunciation. Pronunciation: ɪ, ɚ r, d, ð TH, f, æ, n, t, k & icebreaker Pronunciation: ɪ,...